White Guide 2019- Stockholm's Best Restaurants

Cover of the new White Guide (press image)
This is the time of the year when all of the restaurant guides come out. I have already written about Gulddraken and Michelin Guide, now it is time for the White Guide. This is a Swedish guide that tests around 700 restaurants all over Sweden each year. They hand out several individual awards, like "best newcomer" and "best service", but they also have a list where the best restaurants are ranked. As it is all in Swedish, I thought I would report on how the restaurants located in Stockholm fared this year. It is fun also to compare the guides. You can check all the awards here and the full ranking list here. Here are the Stockholm restaurants who nabbed an award and made the list:

Best Restaurant (restaurant culture)- Frantzén (also Sweden's only three star restaurant in the Michelin Guide)
Best Newcomer- Etoile
Best Service Experience- Frantzén

Press image from restaurant Frantzén.
Ranking (number in paranthesis is their ranking on the list of all restaurants in Sweden):

Global Masterclass
At Fotografiska
Curious which restaurant is ranked best in Sweden? Click here for more restaurant guides. If you are staying at the Hotel Rival and need any help making reservations or want more recommendation and/or advice, contact me directly. 


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